
Showing posts from 2020

Ch. 15: Comparison: Kotter's 8-Stage Framework for Change & Appreciative Inquiry

Ch. 14: Spiritual Leadership

Ch. 13: Strategic Vision Vs. Strategic Action

Ch: 12: Fundamental Need for Transformational Leadership

Ch. 11: Low Power Distance Followers and High Power Distance Leaders

Ch. 10: Stages of Team Development

Ch. 9: Storytelling and Communicating as a Leader

Ch. 8: Four Categories of Motivation

Ch. 7: Courage to follow

Ch. 6: Courageous Leadership

Ch.5: Emotional Intelligence

Ch. 4: Bad-Mannered Subordinates

Ch. 3: Most Effective Style (2 of 2)

Ch. 3: Different Style (1 of 2)

Ch. 2: Collaborative Role (2 of 2)

Ch. 2: Operational Role (1 of 2)