Ch. 15: Comparison: Kotter's 8-Stage Framework for Change & Appreciative Inquiry
This final blog post for this class compares the similarities and differences in Kotter's eight-stage framework for change with Appreciate Inquire (AI). First, let's discuss Kotter's eight-stage framework for change. inforgraphic found The text details the model steps below: Light a fire for change (Daft, 2018). This is the step where leaders are intended to create a sense of urgency. Get the right people on board (Daft, 2018). Leaders must build a strong coalition of people with a shared commitment to seeing the importance in the change. Paint a compelling picture (Daft, 2018). Leaders must create a picture that helps people understand the strategic vision and initiatives. Communication, repetition, and modeling (Daft, 2018). Kotterinc. equates this to leaders enlisting the volunteer army (Kotter, (n.d)). Get rid of obstacles and empower people to act (Daft, 2018). Leaders enable action by removing barriers in this step. Achieve and ce...